A. Skill work: Skin the cat: 12-20 total reps.  Scale up to Front Lever Negatives if needed.

Review pistol scaling options prior to starting B.

B1. OTM [25]: 5 Box Jump (Catch in power position) OR {0:30/0:30} Pistols

B2. OTM [25]: {0:20/0:40} AD Hard

B3. OTM [25]: 5-8 SDHSPU or Pushup (scale w/ barbell)

B4. OTM [25]: 3 Partial ROM Pullups (Top) + 3 Partial ROM Pullups (Bottom).  Maintain hollow.  Scale to 2-2 or negatives as needed.


For B1-B4 – select 2 out of 4 minutes and hold 0:10 hollow position after finishing the prescribed work.


Send off social this Friday at 7PM at City Beverage for Carly and Megan as they are moving to Kentucky!  Come out and help send them off!


Schedule Change (link)

Upcoming Competition: Triangle Invitational 2015 (link)

Coaching Update (link)


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