A. q(2:00) x 5
1 Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 Snatch
*start @ 70% of 1RM Snatch
*Athletes newer to the snatch movement should skip the back rack and snatch balance. Complete the complex as 2 Snatches
B. q(1:00) x 18
Minute 1: Burpees
Minute 2: PS 75/55 or KBS
Minute 3: BJ
Minute 4: Thrusters
Minute 5: CTBPU, RC or PD
Minute 6: REST
*Target 10-18 reps at each station with the exception of RCs. Score will be 3 numbers, your lowest rep number of the 5 movements each of the 3 rounds (exclude RC).
A. q(2:00) x 5
5 Snatch Grip sPress
*standing, seated or squatting if possible on sPress
B. Same
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