A. FT [C10]: 100 Pushups. Select Ring or Def or incline.
B. Skill review
B1. Split Jerk: 10 x 2. These should be light to moderate loads – technique focus. Work split only (no arms) if needed.
B2. Gymnastics Kipping Pullup – 10 sets of 4-7 kip swings or k-pullups
B3. KB Snatch: 10 sets of 4-8/hand
B4. Banded Pull-Aparts: 10 x 8
C. AMRAP [6]: Rope Climbs any style. 4 rope chins = 1 RC
Post times, loads, and comments.
Weekend schedule:
Friday 7/3: 5:30AM, 6:30AM, 10AM, 5:30PM
Saturday 7/4: 9AM, 10AM
Sun 7/5: 11AM – 1PM Open Gym
This is the last week of our current strength cycle – we will be “testing” next week!
Bring-A-Friend Week: 7/13 – 7/18 (link)
Are you looking for something to get your dietary intake in gear? Get ready for our July Transformation Challenge! Starts July 13th! Stay tuned for details.