
WOD 07 21 14

A1. EMOM [20]: (1 HPS + 1 OHS + 1 HS) OR (3 BS + 3 OHS).  Keep loads moderate.
A2. EMOM [20]: 4 Tall Box Jump (Challenging but consistent.  No misses) (Adv: 4 BJ + 4 Burpees)
B. 3 RFT: Row 500m, 14 T2B (sub hollow rocks 1:1), 28 DU
B (Adv): 3 RFT: Row 500m, 6 Bar MU, 12 GHDSU, 24 u/b DU
C. Side bridge (elbow): 3×20 (each side)

Coaching Update

Weightlifing Competition

Durham Bulls Game tonight!  If you wanted tickets, meet at the gate!  Check the post for details!

The CrossFit Games are coming this weekend!  We’ll have a viewing party at the box – stay tuned!


07 21 14
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8 thoughts on “07 21 14

  • 07 20 2014 at 9:41 pm

    finally Bar MU in a WOD! wooo!

  • 07 20 2014 at 11:56 pm

    The race for Speal is on!

  • 07 21 2014 at 8:59 am

    Kim needs to ask you for some more bars

    • 07 21 2014 at 10:27 am

      This had better be good news 😉

      • 07 21 2014 at 10:44 am

        it is great news! it is written by a doctor it is well researched, it is honest, and it is a MUST READ

    • 07 21 2014 at 10:48 am

      and I’d think that alcohol after crossfit falls into the alcohol after cardio category not the alcohol after weight training category

  • 07 21 2014 at 10:25 am

    A1. Modified to my volume work. 6 BS/rd @ 115# (55%). Focused on depth and speed out of the hole. After the first set or two these felt great.
    A2. About half at 30″, then 32″ for the remainder.
    B. 15:34, sub GHD (shoulder rest) and 2xSU. After A1, the row was devastating. Pushed through as best I could, but wow.

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