Happy Birthday to Steve and Taylor today!
#TBT (Dec 2012)
Rest Day/Open Gym!
This weekend we will be throwing the CrossFit Games on the projector at the box so plan to bring some food and beverages!
UPDATE 7/23/14: We will be showing the CF Games at the following times:
Because the release of the Workouts has not been fully disclosed, some of these times might change based on the WODs that get released! Check back on the blog as workouts get released!
FRI: 6:00 PM – 7:00PM (LIVE), 8:00PM (viewing of archived footage)
SAT: 11:00AM (We will be grilling out so bring some goodies!) Paleo-friendly welcome but not required. If you are going to bring some food, post to comments.
SUN: 2:00PM (We will likely be streaming during Open Gym as well, so you can watch out and watch other people work out!)
I’ll be bringing some burgers on Saturday.
it’s also Lei’s Birthday today folks…fyi
ya I swear there was another birthday today 😉
Happy Birthday Steve and Taylor!
Happy birthday Steve, Taylor, & Lei!
That’s what I thought! Happy Birthday y’all!!!
(Nope, reply still doesn’t nest)…
you have to create an account and be logged in ever since the website update
Thanks Wade!! Hopefully this works…
Happy birthday Steve, Lei, and Taylor….so many birthday burpees! 🙂 i’ll bring guac. on Saturday.
lei said he wanted to 100-age for burpees
this was before he knew we knew he was mortal and had a birthday
Sigh…now I know that you know that I know that you know I’m a mortal.
Happy Birthday to all! 🙂
Are we still having the evening classes Friday night?
Yes normal schedule on Fri
Happy birthday all three of ya!!! WOOOOOO!!!
My idea of a Lei’s Favorite Things Birthday WOD:
A. EMOM [10]: Heavy Back Squat (8-10 reps). Challenging but manageable, anywhere between 88-90% 1RM
12 Clusters (135/95) – Keep it light. This is a sprint
9 OHS (135/95)
6 OTB Burpees
C. 8RFT [C12]:
500m Row
18 Wallballs (30/20)
9 Cleans (155/115)
D. (Optional) FT: 200 Box Jumps (30/24)
Rowing and Wallballs are definitely NOT on my list of favorite lifts. Don’t forget I love me some pullups and pistols!
Note impossible times, weights, and everything is a squat 😉
I just want everyone to be able to answer the question: “Do you even lift” with a resounding “YEA BRO”.
Happy birthday, studmuffin. You too, Steve and Taylor.
this wins.