WOD 07 25 14
A. Find a 1RM OHS
B. AMRAP 12: In teams of 2, 1PW@T:
4 MU (total)
4 Snatches (Any style, team total)
Double Unders (5-10-15-20-25-30…)
DU must be performed by both partners. (Specified double unders are the required number PER partner)
Rd 1: Both perform 5
Rd 2: Both perform 10…etc.
C. EC: 5 RFT [7]:
8 Pistols
10 GHD Situps
CF Games Viewing at the box:
SAT: 12:00PM (We will be grilling out so bring some goodies!) Paleo-friendly welcome but not required. If you are going to bring some food, post to comments.
SUN: 2:00PM (We will likely be streaming during Open Gym as well, so you can watch out and watch other people work out!)
07 26 14
how heavy are the snatches?
No prescribed weight. As heavy as possible without compromising proper technique.
after today’s workout I decided I need to take a week off and let my shoulder rest…. I’ll see y’all tomorrow for a workout