WU: 4 rds: 10 Gob Pause Squat + 10 Sit Ups + 12/9 Cal Row or Run 200m (alt each rd)

A. Bench Press: Find a 2RM or 7RM

B. “Helen”: 3 RFT:

Run 400m

21 KBS 53/35

12 PU


B. 3RFT:

Row 500m/400m

21 KBS

12 JPU or RR


C. 3 RFT:

21/15 Bike Cals

15 BF Burpees


This weekend we have a few of our athletes competing at a local CrossFit competition at CrossFit Sua Sponte on Saturday, Aug 25th. Come out and support our athletes if you have time!

  • Lindsey, Chelsi, Mechelle, Maribeth
  • Lorena, Dallas, Misty, Kristen
  • Roger, Jordan + 2 other friends


08 25 18