WU: 2x

12 Snatch balance (bar)

5-10 Strict CTBPU or J-PU

15/10 Cal Row



A. FT:

35/27 Cal Row

30/25 Burpees to bar (6” above reach)

45/40 1A-DB OHS (50/35)

40 Pistols

25 High Box Jumps (30”/24”)


B. FT: 12-9-6

Snatch 135/85



C*. FT: 21-15-9

Snatch 85/55lbs

Chest to Bar



A. FT:

35/27 Cal Row

30/25 Burpees

45/40 OHS (barbell)

40 Front Squats (95/65)

30 High Box Step ups


B. FT:

21-15-9 KBS (53/35)

15-10-5 Burpees

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