9/5 Durham Bulls Game: This weekend is the last weekend for the Durham Bulls home games!  The Saturday game starts @ 6:35PM.  We’ve already purchased tickets but feel free to come out!


9/7 Labor Day Hours: 9AM, 10AM – immediately after the 10AM WOD we will plan to head to Herndon Park, play some soccer/frisbee and grill out!  Get your WOD on and then use your fitness!



A. 2 Position Snatch (below knee, floor) + OHS.  Work in 3 waves.  3 lifts per wave.

B1. GHR: 3×10 AHAP

B2. Good Morning: 3×10

B3. Skin the Cat 3×5 or Front Lever Negative

C. FT: Run 1 mile + 200 DU



A. Snatch Bal: Work to H1


B. same

C. FT: Run 1 mile


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