WOD 09 08 14
A. FS (6×6)
B. Glute Ham Raise 2×12
7 Thrusters (135/95)
2 RC
A. FS (6×6)
B. Weighted (KB/DB in both arms) lunges (in place). Fwd + Back = 1 rep. 3×6 (each leg)
7 DB Thrusters
5 strict Chinups (or 3 Neg)
2-armed Farmers Carry (53/35) 2 gym lengths
Post times, loads, and comments.
Congratulations to both Satana and Cedric for winning the nutrition challenge!
09 08 14
I don’t know about anyone else… but my legs are still sore from last week! I am having a hard time negotiating stairs lol
Great job on the nutrition challenge all!!
P. 1/2/2 – Overall thought the day started off well, tho I was a little sleepy.
A. 125# (~65%) – Felt good for morning weight. Just enough to feel like a proper challenge over the sets. [7]
B. Still no love for these. Continue to be hindered by pain in my calfs, not ability in hamstrings necessarily. Would like to find a better scale for this than limiting descent.
C. 9:22, 100#. Ow. 95# is still a good sized thruster for me, so pushing beyond this was tough. Started at 105# and it was just too much for 4 sets. Moved to 100# for remainder, and was still really rough. [9]
I see a system of bands, pullies, 2×4’s and a couple 4×4’s hanging from the ceiling, being devised to help assist you on your GHR’s
P. today was a tough day
A. 145# probably a bit on the heavy side for today or maybe just b/c it was monday morning but made it though
B. completed
C.8:53 @95#, I went downhill very fast, my first 7 thrusters unbroken and felt really easy, then I jumped onto the rope and for some reason forgot how to climb a rope…hung from it for a few seconds before I had to just jump down and start all over again. did my first round in 1:15 then this is where it all went down hill…averaged about 2:30 per round after that having to split my thursters up and wasted too much time staring and contemplating life…