This is a “deload” week. Focus on mechanics.
A1. BS: 5×2 @ 80%
A2. Hanging Leg Raise: 3×12
A3. Downward Dog with elevated feet: 3 sets x 6 reps.*
B. q(0:30): Perform 1 set of strict pullups/chinups. Athlete’s choice on how many. Goal is to maximize total reps in all sets.
C. AMRAP [9]:
11 PC (155/105)
7 Burpees
*This can be performed on with feet on a box and arms in a HS position. Similar to an inchworm on the floor, walk the feet back further on the box to reduce the load on the shoulders, then walk forward on the box to return to initial position. Shoulder position should remain open the entire rep. Backwards + Forwards = 1 rep. This can also be done with feet on the floor without a box that looks identical to a “downward dog” yoga position.
D. Hang snatch: 4×2 @ 65%
A1. BS: 5xM5
A2. Hollow Rock 0:20
A3. Downward Dog with elevated feet: 3 sets x 6 reps.*
B. q(0:30): Perform 1 set of strict pullups/chinups. Athlete’s choice on how many. Goal is to maximize total reps in all sets.
C. AMRAP [9]:
11 KBS
7 Burpees