A. q(2:30) x 5
PC (touch and go reps)
*Finish at 85%
A. q(2:30) x 5
3 Position Hang Power Clean x 2 (technique) + recovery bike @RPE 7
*2 reps mid thigh, 2 reps just above the knee, 2 reps just below the knee
B. AMRAP [12]
14/11 cal Echo Bike or 16/12 C2 Bike
6 DL 275/185
2-4-6-8… Wall Walks
*+ 2 Wall Walks each round
*Heavy & u/b DL
*Target 5 rounds
Extra: AMRAP [12]
20sec side plank per side
20sec Hollow Hold
10 Piked Leg Lifts
REST [1]
09 26 22