WU: 3x (15 situps + 15 Banded GM + 15 OHS (bar) + jog 100m)


A. q(2:00) x 6 [12]: Hang Snatch (above knee)
2 reps @ 85% or 1 Rep @ 90%+

B. 3 RFT:
20 T2B / HKR / ABMSU
15 PP (135/95) *scale to allow for mostly PP (not PJ)
10 Sandbag over shoulder

C. Row 500m x 3, Rest [1] *Extra: 7 additional rds.

Pick D or E:
D. Romanian DL: 2×15 and
SnGp PP (Behind the neck) 5×5

E. DL: 5×1 and
Accumulate 120 Push Ups in as few sets as possible
Rest less than 60 sec between sets.


A. q(2:00) x 6 [12]:3 OHS + 2 Sn Balance (2 sec pause on last SnBal)

B. same

L45: A, B

10 02 18