WU: [5] steady bike + 20 Air Squats + 10 Inch worms
A. BS: 4×4 @87.5%
B. Option1: 4RFT [20]:
75 DU
10 Clusters 135/95
B. Option 2: 15 rds:
(Row 150/110m + rest 0:30)
C. 3 rounds: Max Set of Pull Ups. Rest as needed
D*. OTM [8]:
5 Burpee Box Jumps (24”/20”) or 8 Burpees
5 Sandbag Squats (any hold) 150/100 or 8 Goblet S
A same
B. Option 1: 4RFT:
75 High Steps
20 Dips
15 2A-DB Thrusters (50/35)
B. Option 2: same
C. 3 rounds: choose
• Max Set of Strict Pullups (Assisted).
• 2-4 negatives as slow as possible
D. OTM [8]:
4-6 Burpees
8 Goblet Squats
L45: B, C, D
10 10 18
Did the posted workout change, or was the ‘BS for sets of 7’ just a bad dream I had…?