We are starting a new cycle today. Thursdays will continue to be a programmed rest day or make up day.
WOD 11 03 14
A. Establish a 1RM FS
B1. OTM [20] 1 set of 4-7 Weighted CTB Chinups @ (2011). Use a band to achieve same ROM and tempo.
B2. OTM [20] 1 set of 3 BS @60% AFAP + 3 Reach Jumps*. Weight should allow for explosive reps and allow for completion across all 10 sets.
*Athlete should stand facing a wall/pullup bar and jump and touch as high as possible. Depth of initial dip need not be below parallel.
C. Optional (P):
5 rds: {0:20/1:40}
10 DL (225/155) + ME burpees with remaining time.
Goal is to do all DL T&G u/b. Increase load as needed.
Post times, loads, and comments.
Our 3 year anniversary celebration is this Saturday night! Come join us!
Did you attend the Triangle Invitational? Please take a minute to provide some feedback!