The CrossFit RTP Holiday party will be on Saturday 12/14!  Mark your calendars!


Athlete Profile: “Mad Dog”


WOD 11 12 13

A1. [2 Power Clean + Clean] x 4 sets @ 70%.  If the reps are crisp, increase to 75% of clean 1RM.

A2. Weighted Dip (4 x 10).  Adv: Strict MU.  Change weight to hit reps.

A3. L sit (4 attempts for max time).  Standard is feet above ground.  Adv: Feet above parallel.

B. EMOM for 10 min:

Perform 1 Clean or FS (Weight = X).  Racks are allowed for FS.

Perform Y burpees where Y is athlete’s/coach’s choice.

Neither X nor Y can change during this workout.  Your goal for this workout is to finish 10 minutes without failing any minute.  Final score = X+Y.

Adv: substitute burpees for either (Over-the-box jumps or MU).

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11 12 13

One thought on “11 12 13

  • 11 12 2013 at 6:47 pm

    So my cleans are poo, plain and simple. I gotta get to a proper clinic. 87# was okay, but I was definitely not dropping under it, ever.

    Did about 6 strict for the first 3 sets, and negs at the end. Ow.

    87# and 6. Great met con!

    Managed to make it to 4:30 today,and it’s nice to see some of the newer faces. Great to see Caitlin again, and to meet Lydia properly. Also great to see our drop in Sam while he’s in town from Boston!

    See the Sunshine in the morning!!!

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