The CrossFit RTP Holiday party will be on Saturday 12/14! Mark your calendars!
Despite the snow (?!), regular hours today!
WOD 11 13 13
A. Snatch Grip PP + OHS or Snatch Balance. (4+1) x 4.
B. Pause FS (3 sec pause) (3×2 @ 65%-75% FS). As always, beginners should focus on movement quality.
C. AMRAP 8 min
3 Rounds of:
5 DL (155/105)
5 Cleans
5 Jerks
15 T2B
With remaining time, AMRAP:
Wallballs (20/14)
Post times, loads, and comments.
11 13 13
Good crowd this morning at 7am. Finally did some squats but the knee still not 100%. Didn’t quite make it through 3 rounds but T2B are getting better.
Totally agree! Great Gang today. I’m just glad I have tomorrow off for when Daddy programs more Cleans!! 😉
A. 175
B. 245
C. 3rounds + 40wb……son
A. 85
B. 185
C. 3+36
Also did a wod that involved 2 1k rows and some running. Thank you keeli for joining in that misery