WOD 11 22 14

A. [20] Establish a 3RM FS


Perform B and C with a running clock


B. [8]:

3 RC (1PW@T) (Legless if possible)

9 Thrusters (135/95)


C. In [12] In teams of 3, AMRAP:

Team Row 1500m

AMRAP w/ remaining time:

3-6-9-12… of

STO (135/95)

T2B (or BMU)


Next week’s Holiday Schedule:

Wed 11/25: Normal Hours

Thurs 11/26: 9AM, 10AM,all other classes cancelled.

Fri 11/27: 9AM, 10AM, all other classes cancelled

Sat: Normal hours

11 22 14