WOD 11 28 12
A1. Hollow Rocks 3×10
A2. TGU 3×4 (Set of 4 = 2 each arm). Work up to a heavy but manageable load.
B. Snatch 10×1 with perfect form. We don’t care about weight today. OHS if needed.
C. 4 RFT (in teams of 2):
*1 person working at a time, partner holds a side plank (on elbow). Switch as needed.
1 Rope Ascent
40 Air Squats
15 GHD Situps
Post loads, times, and comments.
11 28 12
After Monday’s WOD:
yep. walking is proving to be very difficult today.
Word. My butt meat needs tenderizing.
The partner WOD today was going to be a little awkward with no partner. Where was everyone? (Fortunately, I missed Monday — just did that WOD instead.)
Dave, I suspect Wednesdays will be lower in attendance due to the nature of the strength cycle we’re on.
Mondays, however. Hoo boy!
Yeah, that’s what I figured. Glad I showed up, though — got some 1-on-1 help with my snatch (which is finally improving!).
Definitely improving on the snatch! And in posting as well. Couldn’t walk so much after Monday so rolling occurred.
Had a lot of fun at the Syndicate tonight.
Big ups to Ed for crushing the rope climb, and saw some really significant improvements in y’alls Snatches!
Remember – Robot!
Muuuuch slower day in the box today. Very calm and casual.
I jumped in late for the 7:30 and:
B. hit 155 pretty consistently with no pain.
C. Partnered up with Ed and got the fastest time of the day @ 9:19, both of us Rx!
late for the 7:30, eh?
Dude, I wasn’t even gonna work out today but snatching was starting, and you know.
never mind….
We were both a little late I think.
Ooooh, damn. We don’t have a 7:30.
Whatever. I’m still messed up from the time change.
Had a blast decorating our lil tree with a few hooligans afterwards