Seminar (tomorrow) and upcoming Holiday Party!
WOD 12 01 12
A1. Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-15
A2. Pullups
B. Time Trial: 1 mile run
C. 2 min max Rope Climbs (13′) or 2 min max Toes to Bar
Post loads, times, reps, and comments.
12 01 12
Seminar (tomorrow) and upcoming Holiday Party!
WOD 12 01 12
A1. Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-15
A2. Pullups
B. Time Trial: 1 mile run
C. 2 min max Rope Climbs (13′) or 2 min max Toes to Bar
Post loads, times, reps, and comments.