Thanks to everyone who came out to our Holiday Party! Let’s finish out 2015 with a few consistent weeks of training!
We have a few nutrition seminars: “Beyond the Paleo Diet” coming up this weekend and next – please check out details here.
A1. Weighted L-Pullups: 3 sets of (4-8). Scale by tucking knees. Load using weight belt or medball between feet.
A2. BS 2×10 across
B. 4 RFT [C12]:
Row 400/300
1 set MU (sub 10 dips)
1 set of 3 T&G Cleans (athlete’s choice) or 5 T&G DL
C. FT [C12]:
12-9-6-3 of:
Burpee Box Over (24″/20″)
HSPU (any style – “SIP” “Strict if Possible”)
Do you know someone who might be hesitant about starting CrossFit? CFRTP will begin offering a bootcamp program in January perfect for beginners and those who might be coming from a sedentary background! Courses are 6 weeks long and meet 3x/week. Details here. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers!