A. 3 Cleans & 1 Jerk (not T&G)
1@60%, 1@65%, 1@70% 3@75%


B. FS: 4×5@70%


C. FT [C15]:
3 Rds: 7 Thrusters (75/55) + 7 Pull-ups + 7 Burpees
40/30 Cal Row
3 Rds: 7 Thrusters (75/55) + 7 Pull-ups + 7 Burpees
40/30 Cal Row
3 Rds: 7 Thrusters (75/55) + 7 Pull-ups + 7 Burpees



A. Establish a 1RM or PP or PJ (Coach’s choice). If movement still inconsistent, H1 – no max.


B. FS: Work to H5 (no failed sets, but this should be very challenging)


C. FT [C15]:
3 Rds: 11 WB + 7 Burpees
35/25 Cal Row
3 Rds: 11 WB + 7 Burpees
35/25 Cal Row
3 Rds: 11 WB + 7 Burpees


Dec 10th Holiday Party Details


CFRTP November Ladies Night Recap Link (Next one: Feb 4)


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