Garage Gym
A. q(1:00) x 10
2 Box Squats
*55% of 1 RM BS
*Box height just below parallel
B. q(1:30) x 5
1 HPC (just above the knee)
1 HPC (just below the knee)
*60-65-70-75-80% of 1 RM PC
C. AMRAP [20]
30 KBS
25 BJ
20 T2B
15 PP 135-95
Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)
A. AMRAP [12]
2 Double DB PC
2 Double DB Thrusters
30 DU
4 Double DB PC
4 Double DB Thrusters
30 DU
*increase PC and Thruster reps by 2 each round
*sub odd object for DBs if needed
B. 5 rounds
1 Squat Complex
Rest :30
*squat complex = 5 DB Squats + 5 DB Jumping Squats + 5 Max Height Jumping Squats (no DB)
*use a single DB on the weighted squats
WU: 2x
10 Glute Bridges + 10 Kip Swings + 10 single Leg RDL + 10 single arm sPress
4 17 20