Garage Gym

A. q(1:00) x 10
2 Box Squats
*60% of 1 RM BS
*Box height just below parallel

B. 0:00-4:00
sPress in the Split Jerk
3 x 5

Tall Jerk
4 x 4

Pausing Split Jerk
5 x 3

q(1:30) x 5
3 position Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk
*60,65,70,75,80% of 1RM CJ

C. AMRAP [15]
15 PC 95/65
30 DU
15 Thrusters
30 DU

Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)

A. AMRAP [20]
9 Pushups
15 Odd Object/KB/DB rows
21 AS
*Minutes 0-10 Weight Vest or Pack
*Minutes 11-20 Bodyweight

B. 3 sets for Max Reps
Single Arm Kneeling Strict Arnold Press

WU: 2x
10 Glute Bridges + 10 Kip Swings + 10 single Leg RDL + 10 single arm sPress


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