Garage Gym
A. q(2:00) x 5
3 Muscle Snatch + 2 OHS + 1 Snatch Balance
*35,40,45,45,45% of 1RM Snatch
B. q(1:30) x 5
1 Snatch Pull + 1 HS (above the knee) + 1 HS (below the knee)
*55,60,65,67,69% of 1 RM Snatch
C. q(1:00) x 10
1 FS + 3 BS
*63% of 1 RM FS for all sets
D. q(5:00) x 5
21/15cal Bike
15 double DB PS 35/20
9 Thrusters 135/95
Home Workout (Bodyweight/limited equip)
A. AMRAP [20]
4 sPU or 8 DB/odd object rows
8 Burpees
12 single DB step back lunges
B. 1 set max reps DB sPress
*complete on right arm, rest, then left arm
C. 1 set max Hollow Hold
WU: 2x
1min bike + 10 DB sPress + 15 AS
4 6 20