A. q(1:30) x 5
1 Clean Pull
1 PC
1 Jerk Drive
1 Push Jerk
*60,65,70,70,70% of 1RM CJ
*Jerk Drive is a dip and drive of the bar to between eye and top the head level

B. AMRAP [5]
3 rds: 15 PU + 9 CJ 95/65
Max AAB with remaining time
REST [5]
2 rds: 12 CTBPU + 9 CJ 135/95
Max AAB with remaining time
REST [5]
1 rd: 9 BMU + 9 CJ 185/135
Max AAB with remaining time


A. q(1:30) x 5
5 DL
*Bar or double KB
*Work on technique with coach and increase weight each each as form allows

B. AMRAP [5]
3 rds: 8 Pulldowns + 9 Plate Snatch
Max AAB with remaining time
REST [5]
2 rds: 8 Pulldowns + 15 Plate Snatch
Max AAB with remaining time
REST [5]
1 rd: 8 Pulldowns + 21 Plate Snatch
Max AAB with remaining time
*option to sub single DB CJ or KBS for Plate Snatch

6 15 21