Lorena Kay Overhead SquatWOD 08 23 14

A (P). Hang Snatch: 2-2-2-1-1-1

A (F). OHS: 3-3-3-3

B+C+D: [C20] without rest between sections

B. In teams of 2 with 1PW@T [C10]:

5-10-15-20-25-30 of DU while partner planks. (P: DU are u/b, F: Single Unders – u/b not required).  If you have DU but are inconsistent, u/b is not required.

Each partner must perform the above repetitions, but the order does not matter.  (One partner can go through entire 5 to 30 DU, then partner B goes.  OR partners can alternate and do 5-5-10-10-15-15…)

C. (with no rest from B)

3 rds of ((P) 10 pistols/(F) 15 air squats, 10 T2B) while partner performs HS hold/barbell OH lockout (95/65).  Partner A does 10 pistols, 10 T2B while partner B holds HS and partner B does 10 pistols, 10 T2B while partner A holds HS.  That is 1 full round.

D. 20 Synchronized OHS (95/65).  Each partner must perform a total of 20 OHS which is synchronized with the other teammate.  Synchronized means that both partners must finish rep 1 before either partner begins rep 2.  In other words, both partners must achieve a fully standing position simultaneously before beginning the next repetition.

08 23 14

One thought on “08 23 14

  • 08 23 2014 at 6:13 pm

    Today was a lot of fun! It was great doing some things we haven’t done in quite a while.
    A. Worked up to 103. We snatch infrequently enough I didn’t really think too much about this being a 10# PR. Nice to feel that there’s way more in the tank on snatch now. Some reps felt great, and Lei even agreed.
    BCD. Worked with Kim, 2xSU, otherwise Rx. We finished at 18:47 if I recall. Fun combination of holds and movements.

    Great to see such a huge 9AM class today! I’m glad I waited to pad the 10AM. Happy Saturday all!

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