A. BS: 5×7. Sets across @ 68%. Your goal today is to finish all the sets and reps and feel like you still have a little in the tank. Note how heavy this felt on the scale of 1-10 by the end of the last rep on the last set.
B. AMRAP [15]:
10 Dips (+wt vest if needed)
5 Chinups
2 armed 80m Farmers Walk (53/35) (Gym Length x 2). Focus on keeping chest up.
5 Thrusters (135/95)
10 RDLs
0:30 Hollow
Extra: OTM [12] Slow Snatch (from ground) 12×1
We’re starting a new strength cycle today! Details here
Congratulations to Lindsey and Levi on the birth of Aubin Grace Johnson on April 1st @ 12:28pm, weighing in at 7lbs 11oz, 19.75″!
04 06 15
Awww, what a sweetheart 🙂 congrats, we can’t wait to meet her!
She’s so cute! And, she’s sleeping so peacefully. 🙂 I can honestly say a sleeping baby/toddler/preschooler is the most wonderful thing to see and experience. 🙂 Enjoy these moments because they grow FAST!!!!
What a tiny precious baby! Congrats
Congrats – she is adorable! Now her mother can go back to being my rabbit!
Congrats on your beautiful new addition! Hurry back though!
Thanks Guys!!! She is sooo awesome!! Cant wait to come back!!!