A. FS 6×5
B1. Team Pullups or Chins (Teams of 6 or less) 4 rds x 2 min
B2. Strict barbell press: 4 rds of: 2×10
C. 2 choices: Either
- [C7]: 21-15-9: BS (155/105) , 9-6-3: Squat Cleans (155/105), with remaining time, max STO in remaining time.
- 4 Rds: Row 300m, 15 Slamballs, REST 1:30.
We will have a limited schedule this week Thursday through Sunday
Thursday (5/14): 5:30AM, 6:30AM, 4:30PM
Friday (5/15): 4:30PM
Saturday (5/16): 9AM, 10AM
Sunday (5/17): Closed
If you ordered a Kim support T shirt, they will be ready on Wednesday at the box for you to pickup.
05 11 15
My shoulders hurt every time I pull my pants up. #thankslei
Try a belt 🙂 #thatwastooeasy
Squats on squats
Front squat went to 305 (thanks Matt and Lei for the push)
Team reebok/adidas was a great push on the team pull-ups
Got 57 reps into the wod. Went hard out of the gate on the 21 and just couldn’t catch my breath
tommy…you and lei should chat about pacing
Pacing . What is that even?