A. Turkish Get up – 12 total reps – 6 per arm alternating sides.
B1. OTM [20]: 2 PP or PJ (climbing)
B2. OTM [20]: 7 KBS (focus on balance, technique)
C. 7RFT [C10]:
10 WB
10 Pushups
We will have a limited schedule this week Thursday through Sunday
Thursday (5/14): 5:30AM, 6:30AM, 4:30PM
Friday (5/15): 4:30PM
Saturday (5/16): 9AM, 10AM
Sunday (5/17): Closed
If you ordered a Kim support T shirt, they will be ready on Wednesday at the box for you to pickup. The Regionals competition will probably be streamed via youtube, so take a picture of you wearing your Team Kim shirt and tag us on FB or Instagram!
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