A. 5 RFT:
[2-arm farmers carry (70×2/53×2) Gym Length x 2
*Walking Lunge GL x 1 (45/35)
*Reverse W-Lunge GL x 1 (45/35)]
B. (without rest) Row 2K
Record total time for A and time for 2K.
C. [10] Kip Swing practice: Bar or rings
D. 4 Rds:
5 DL or Snatch DL (pause above knee and back to ground)
8 Standing Barbell Twists (you decide weight, L+R = 1 rep)
*Optional: OH Lunges
E. 3×6 Hang Muscle Snatch
F. Snatch from blocks (mid thigh) 7×2 (Power or Squat)
06 09 15