A1. BS: 8×1 sets across
A2. Bent Over Row 8×5 (@2111). Use a weight that allows 1 sec hold at top and you can control the whole way.
B. AMRAP 14:
60 Cal Row
50 T2B
40 WB (20lbs to 10′, 14lbs to 9′)
30 Cleans (135/95) (power acceptable)
20 MU
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat: 3×10 per leg (2 arm KB or DB)
C2. RDL (Keep knees in flexion): 3×8
A1. BS: 7×3 sets across
A2. same
B. AMRAP 14:
40 Cal Row
30 WB
30 KBS (53/35)
20 Box Overs (20″)
10 30 15