Caption this (in the comments)
A1. Wide Grip Iso-Negs: 5×2 reps – if you can do this proficiently, widen grip or add weight.
A2. BS 3×10 sets across
B. 5 Rds: (0:20/0:10). Record total reps of each movement (4 scores). Each rd includes 4 movements and lasts 2 min.
1-arm DB PP (L)
1-arm DB PP (R)
F: Burpees, F: K-Pullups (any style: *hint* pick something you stink at)
C (P). With a running clock: (athlete chooses loads but must increase each interval. Last interval should be <90% 1RM). Track reps and weights.
0:00 – 1:00: Max Squat Cleans (135/95) ~ 55%
2:00 – 3:00: Max Squat Cleans (185/125) ~ 70%
4:00 – 5:00: Max Squat Cleans (205/145) ~ 85% (see photo below for proper facial mechanics)
C (F). FT [C7]: 25 DB “*Manmakers” (35/25)
Manmaker: Plank > Pushup > L arm row > R arm row > Stand > Hang Squat Clean Thruster
Operating Hours this week:
11/23 (MON) – 11/25 (WED): Normal Hours
11/26 (THURS) – CLOSED
11/27 (FRI) – 10AM, 11AM. All other classes cancelled.
11/28 (SAT): Resume normal schedule
“So then the priest says, ‘Two dozen hornets and the whole bottle of sacramental wine!!!'”
not a caption, but an observation, lady in white shirt seems to be looking at something she likes 😉