A. [25] Establish a 1RM Back Squat *


B. Establish a Max rep set of (you chooose)

  • Strict RMU
  • Kipping RMU
  • Strict Pullup


C. FT [C12]: “Karen”

150 Wallballs (20/14), (10′, 9′).  This workout is considered “testing”. If you want to try this workout as Rx, go for it.  It’s ok if you get 95 reps and don’t finish within the timecap.  This is now a data point which you can use to measure your progress against.


*use spotters as needed



A. [25] Establish a H1 Back Squat


B. Establish one of the following (you chooose)

  • Flex arm hang (chinup grip)
  • Max time negative (start with chin over bar, ends when arm fully extended)
  • 1 rep max (heaviest) lat pulldown. Pull bar below chin, no excessive leaning


C. FT [C12]: 150 Air Squats or DB Goblet Squats (35/25)


Our upcoming training cycle (link)

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