WU: Row 800m/600m



A. Back Squat (7×3) @ 60%-65%“ Almost jumping” : come up AFAP – almost as if performing a thruster

B. Split Squats (Bar or Goblet)
6×10 (3×10/side), Slow down fast up
*Start in feet in a lunge position with legs straight. Touch back knee to the ground and come back to standing lunge position.

C. 4 RFT:
21 KBS (Vertical path) 53/35
3 RC
Run 400m

5 Rounds:
Row 1500/1250m
Rest 3:00


A. same

B. Split Squats (Bar or Goblet)
6×10 (3×10/side), Slow down fast up

C. 4 RFT:
21 KBS 53/35
9 Chin ups
Row 300m


Post times, loads, and comments.

07 23 18