[1] Hollow Rock or GHDSU
[1] Light Hang Snatch (power + sq)
[2] Biking

A. q(2:00) x 7 [14]
Full Snatch + 2 Hang Snatch
AHAP (w/ quality form). Increase or decrease weights based on feel.

B. Good Mornings
3×20 (95/65)

C. q(2:00) x 6 [12]
10 T2B
10 Power C&J (135/95)
*Scale to allow yourself to perform all 10 without significant rest between reps.

Extra: 4 Rds: (Bike 0.6 miles + 8 Ring Pullups*) *Start and finish in neutral grip, hold for 0:02 at top)

A. q(2:00) x 7 [14]
5 FS or GobSq + 6 Box step ups

B. same

C. q(2:00) x 6 [12]
10 AbMSU
10 DB Thrusters (heavy-ish)


L45: A, C

Post times, loads, and comments.

07 27 18