WU: 3x(8 T2B + 8/5 Cal Bike + 8 Sn Bal)
A. Find 2RM Hang Snatch (above knee)
B. AMRAP [6]: 3-6-9…+3/rd
BF Burpees
STO (155/105)
C*. Run 3 miles
D*. 3 Rds: ME set T2B + Rest 2:00
A. Work to a H2 Pause OHS (4 sec pause)
B. AMRAP [6]: 3-6-9…+3
2A-DB PP (40/30)
C*. Row 5k
D*. 3 Rds:
[1] Max rep ABMSU
[2] Rest
Due to the hurricane, expect cancellations/closures to be announced later this week. Check the blog for the most recent updates.
09 11 18