WU: 3x
20 HS Shoulder taps
15 OHS (bar)
Bike 0.3 miles


A. FT (complete with minimal misses)
21 Snatch @ 70% 1RM
Rest [3]
14 Snatch @ 75% 1RM
Rest [3]
7 Snatch @ 80% 1RM
Percentages based on 1RM

Can be power or squat, athlete’s choice. T&G or singles. Athlete can mix & match. Goal is to stay steady through each round of weights and when to power snatch vs. full.

B. AMRAP [10]: 2-4-6-8…
Bike Cals


40 DB Snatch
Rest [3]
20 OHS (95/65)
Rest [3]
10 “Heavy” Thrusters (From rack)

B. AMRAP [10]: 2-4-6-8…
Bike Cals
Hanging Knee Raise or Hollow Hold


C. 4RFT:
Row 500/450m
21 KB Sumo DL (53/35)

D. BP: 5×12 @ Bodyweight
Sandbag Squats: 5×12 @ 150/100lbs

Rest as needed between sets
L45: A, B

02 06 19