A. Back Squat: 5 sets: (2 Pause BS + 3 BS) – start at 65%. Increase if form is good.

B. AMRAP [3]; Rest [3], 4 rds:
6 Squat Cleans (185/125)
12 Deficit Pushups (As deep as possible while maintaining form; 2x45lb plates)
3 Squat Cleans (185/125)
6 Deficit Pushups (As deep as possible while maintaining form; 2x45lb plates)
Max DU with remaining time

C. Seated leg lefts (straddle or pike): Accumulate 100 reps


A. Same

B. AMRAP [3]; Rest [3], 4 rds:
14 2xKB FS (Front Rack) / Gob S
14 Pushups
7 2xKB FS (Front Rack) / Gob S
7 Pushups
Max Cal Row with remaining time

C. Accumulate 2:00 in hollow hold or rock

Great job to everyone who competed in the 2019 Open! We will publish final results this week. Now that the Open is over, we will be starting our next programming cycle! The focus of this next cycle will be strength, conditioning, gymnastics, and some bodybuilding. We will start this next cycle on 4/8 so we will have 1 week of general programming before this starts. During this cycle, it would be beneficial for everyone to focus on your movement quality and that we are building good motor patters and mechanics in a manner that will allow us to load the movements with more weight and/or increased speed.

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