Garage Gym
A. q(1:30) x 5
1 Pausing Clean DL (2sec pause at knee)
1 Tempo Clean Pull (3 sec pull to knees then accelerate)
1 Clean Pull
*70,75,80,80,80% of 1RM CJ
B. q(1:30) x 5
1 Pausing Snatch DL (2sec pause at knee)
1 Tempo Snatch Pull (3 sec pull to knees then accelerate)
1 Snatch Pull
*70,75,80,80,80% of 1RM Snatch
50 WB
40 single DB HCJ
30 single DB Box Step-ups
2k bike erg
30 single DB Box Step-ups
40 single DB HCJ
50 WB
20 V-ups
1:00 Superman hold
15 V-ups
:45 Superman hold
10 V-ups
:30 Superman hold
5 V-ups
:15 Superman hold
Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)
A. FT @ 0:00
21 Burpees
1 round of DB DT
18 Burpees
1 round of DB DT
15 Burpees
1 round of DB DT
12 Burpees
1 round of DB DT
@ 10:00
21 AS hops over DB
1 round of DB DT
18 AS hops over DB
1 round of DB DT
15 AS hops over DB
1 round of DB DT
12 AS hops over DB
1 round of DB DT
WU: 2x
1min Bike + 10 Pass Throughs + 5 AS + :20 HH