A. q(1:30) x 5
2 PS @ 73-78%
B. q(1:30) x 3
5 BTN Snatch Grip PP + 1 OHS
C. AMRAP [20]
400m Row
1 max u/b set of sHSPU
*5 rep minimum for sHSPU sets. Switch to DB sPress if you are unable to meet the minimum reps at any point in the workout
Extra: Weighted strict Ring Dips
*Base your rep scheme off the u/b sDip test
*5-10 reps = 3-2-1-1-1
*10+ reps = 4-3-3-2-1
*build weight each set
A. q(1:30) x 5
5-4-3-3-3 OHS
*21×1 tempo, build weight each set
*complete 5 PVC pass throughs after each set
B. q(1:30) x 3
5 BTN Snatch Grip PP
C. AMRAP [20]
400m Row
Alternate between 1 max u/b set of DB sPress and sPU each round
*5 rep minimum, goal rep range 8-15
10 15 21