A. DL 4×3 @ 75%
*deadstop DL, reset each rep
DL 4×3 @ 80%
*touch and go reps
B. q(2:30) x 10
10 HPC 135/95 or rKBS
30 DU
500m Bike
*Pick a HPC weight that you can hold u/b sets with. Reduce HPC reps if the 2:30 cap is an issue
Extra: Weighted sPU [15]
Base your rep scheme off the u/b sPU test
*5-9 reps = 3-2-2-1-1
*10+ reps = 4-3-3-2-2
*Build weight each set
A. q(2:30) x 6
5 DL
*continue your DL progression of adding 5lb per week to each set
*recovery paced bike between sets
B. q(2:30) x 10
10 rKBS
30 SU
500m Bike
10 20 21