A. 2 Rounds
5 @ 90% of 5RM
5 @ 80%
5 @ 70%
REST [3]
A. 2 Rounds
7 Dips + 6 Pulldowns + 5 Pushups + 50’ Sled Push
REST [3]
*Heavy Pulldowns
B. FT [20]
50/40 cal Row + 20 T2B
40/32 cal Row + 20 T2B
30/24 cal Row + 20 T2B
20/16 cal Row + 20 T2B
10/8 cal Row + 20 T2B
*Sub ABMSU for T2B. If you can perform T2B but can’t complete 20 reps in 2-3 sets consider doing your first u/b set of 2-8 T2B then finish the remainder of the reps on ABMSU.
Extra: 3 RFQ
8 Cuban Press (light)
8 single arm DB Rows (heavy)
8 Prone Snow Angels
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