L1: AMRAP [14]
60 cal row
40 Air Squats
30 KBS (to eye level) (35/25)
20 (Burpee jumping pullup)

*The Burpee jumping pullup must be at least higher than the athlete’s head when standing (not 6″ above).

L2:AMRAP [14]
60 cal row
50 Hanging Knee Raises
40 WB (14lb,10’/ 10lb, 9’)
30 cleans (95/65)
20 Chin-over bar Pullups*

*L2 athletes have the option to perform Burpee Jumping Pullups instead of regular pullups. For placement, athletes who perform 1 pullup will place higher than athletes who opt to perform burpee pullups. For the L2 Burpee pullup, the bar must be at least 6″ from the top of the athlete’s head when standing. The chin must clear the bar at the top.

L3:AMRAP [14]
60 cal row
50 T2B
40 WB (20lb,10’/ 14lb, 9’)
30 cleans (135/95)
20 Ring Muscle Ups

*Note – for all levels, a tiebreak time is captured after completion of each diff movement (e.g. after 30 cleans)

Friday Night Lights signup link (Food + Heats)

2-3 Rds:
12/9 Cal Row
12 Alternating V-ups or 0:12 Hollow
9 Good mornings (bar)
6 Squats (bar or air)
3-6 RR or Ring support hold 0:15 + Ring dip hold 0:15

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