P A. q(3:00) x 6 1 PJ + 1 SJ + 1 SJ Set 1: 60% PJ + 70% SJ Set 2: 65% + 75% Set 3: 70% + 80 % Sets 4-6: 75% + 85% *rest 30 seconds between
02 10 23
A. q(1:30) x 12 [18] 1: 3 PC + 4 FS + 5 Thrusters 135/95 2: 15 Bar Facing Burpees 3: 25/20 cal Row *pick a weight you can go u/b with on the bar *pick a burpee and Cal
02 09 23
A. 6 rds: Work [4] + Rest [2]Row 15/12 Cals5 Sandbag to ShoulderRow 9/7 CalsMax Burpees over rower w.r.t OR Echo Bike Cals *Score is total burpees or Echo Cals B. 5 Rds:0:30 Pullup bar hang0:30 Hollow Rocks or L-sit1:00