05 23 23


A. q(:30) x 20
1 Squat Snatch
*70-80% of 1 RM


A. q(1:00) x 10
Alternate between
3 OHS and 3 BTN SnGp PP (5 sets for each movement)

B. 0:00-5:00
5 PS 115/80 or KBS

*select a weight you can cycle 5 u/b reps with


FT [12]
30 PS 115/80 or KBS (heavy)
30 BJO

*quick singles or small sets on PS

Extra: FQ
2:00 side Plank (L and R)
40-80 V-ups
100 Plate Russian Twists

05 22 23

A. 10RM BS [15]

B. FT [15]
10 WW + 10 WB
8 WW + 20 WB
6 WW + 30 WB
4 WW + 40 WB
*This is a high volume Wall Walk workout. Consider scaling the WW reps as shoulder fatigue will be an issue with this combination of movements

C. 4 RFQ
45sec Sorenson Hold
5L/5R KB curtsy squats
5L/5R single leg KB RDL
20L/20R seconds single Leg Hamstring Bridge hold

05 20 23

A. q(2:00) x 7
OHS 5-4-3-3-2-2-2
*65,70,75,75,80,80,80% of 1RM OHS

B. 5 RFT [30] in teams of 2 or Solo
400m Run (together)
20 DL 135/95 or KB DL (Synchro)
20-30 sRing Dips or deficit push-ups (1 PWAT)