05 16 23


A. q(2:00) x 6
1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
*60-65% of 1RM Snatch


A. q(2:00) x 6
3 Hang Muscle Snatch + 3 Snatch Balances
3 BTK SnGp PP + 3 OHS
*Athletes who have developed good positions in the OHS can perform the Hang MS + Snatch Balance option

B. q(3:00) until 32 PS completed
100 DU
Max rep PS 155/105 or Sandbag to Shoulder
REST [1]
*5 round cap. Cap DU at 60sec. Select a weight you can complete at least 9 reps with on the 1st round

2:00 L-sit
*10 DB RDL on each break

05 15 23

A. q(3:00) x 6
5 BS @ 55%
*32X1 Tempo

B. q(1:00) x 20
Min1: 10 double DB Box Step-ups 20”
Min2: 8-10 sHSPU or Fat Bar sPress
Min3: 20/16cal Row
Min4: REST
*focus on quality of movement
*RPE 7 for this workout

05 13 23

A. 10 RFT in teams of 2
10 DL + 6-10 Wall Walks

*alternate rounds with your partner (5 rounds each). Pick a Partner who will use the same bar/loading.
*DL @ 275/185. DL should not exceed 65% of 1RM. Use a challenging weight that you can do u/b sets with for all 5 rounds
*keep WW sets under 2:30 each round. Adjust WWs to 8 or 6 reps if needed

B. q(1:00) x 16
Min1: 10-15 T2B + max rep u/b sPU
Min2: REST