05 09 23


A. FT [30]
2000/1600m Row
200 DU or SU
1500/1200m Row
150 DU
1000/800m Row
100 DU
500/400m Row
50 DU

B. q(3:00) x 4
2-2-1 Snatch
Set 1: 70,75,80%
Set 2: 72,77,82%
Set 3: 75,80,85%
Set 4: 77,82,87%
*5 total Snatches in a 3:00 window


A. Same

B. q(3:00) x 4
3 BTN SnGp PP + 3 OHS
*recovery bike with remaining time

05 08 23

A. q(3:00) x 6
*65,70,75,80,85,90% of 1RM

B. q(3:00) until 32 PC completed
25 WB or AS
Max rep PC 185/125 or Sandbag to Shoulder
REST [1]
*5 round cap
*adjust WB if needed to complete those reps in under 60 seconds each round

05 06 23

A. q(10:00) x 3 in teams of 2
500m Run (together)
20 alternating DB hang CJ (each, at the same time)
20 DB facing burpees (synchro)
20 alternating DB hang Snatch (each, at the same time)
500m Run (together)
*pace this workout as if it’s 3 RFT with zero rest. Focus on consistent run and burpee times

B. q(2:00) x 5
9 @ 70%
7 @ 75%
5 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
*8 pushups or dips for those who are working on developing your pushups

Myology Sports Massage will be here Saturday, May 13 8:00AM – 1:00PM. Sign up on the whiteboard at the gym!
(30 min: $45, 60 min: $80. HSA approved)