03 31 23


A. q(2:00) x 6
1 SC + 1 HSC + 1 SJ
*75% of 1RM CJ


A. q(2:00) x 6
3 position Hang PC + 1 Jerk
*those who have shown technical progression in the 3 position hang PC and FS can try 3 position Hang Squat Cleans

B. 2 RFT [16]
50-100 DU
42 OHS 95/65 or GS
50-100 DU
21 Burpee PU
*select a OHS weight you can complete all 42 reps within 3 sets

03 30 23

A. T(2-3), 2PW:
[4:00] on / [1:00] off, [30]
Ski/Run 9 Cals (P1) + Bike 13 Cals (P2)
Ski/Run 9 Cals (P2) + Bike 13 Cals (P1)
Synchronized carry 2 Gym Lengths: 2xKB FC (P1) + Sandbag (P2) or HS Walk
Max synchro burpees

Continue until complete 60 Syncho Burpees

B. [6]: T(4-6): Team L-sit or hollow hold
Take turns holding L-sit or hollow. 1 person must be working at any time.

03 29 23

A. q(2:30) x 6
1 sPress set
*60,65,70,70,75,75% of 1RM sPress

B. 5 RFT [15]
6 BJ 30/24”
12 STO 155/105 or DB
18 T2B, V-ups or ABMSU
*select a STO weight you can complete in 2 sets and a T2B number you can complete in 3 sets for the duration of the workout