03 04 23


A. q(1:00) x 10
1 CJ
*building each set. Skip the jerk if your shoulders are sore from 23.3


A. q(1:00) x 10
2 FS or 2 Jerks

B. q(1:00) x 20
Min1: 10 Burpees over rower [1]
Min2: max cal row [:45]
Min3: 20 WB [1]
Min4: max Sandbag to Shoulder [:45]
Min5: REST [1]

03 03 23

Open 23.3

5 WW + 50 DU + 15 barbell snatches (95/65)
5 WW + 50 DU + 12 barbell snatches (135/95)
–If done by 6:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 sHSPU + 50 DU + 9 Snatches (185/125)
–If done by 9:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 sHSPU + 50 DU + 6 Snatches (225/155)

5 Partial WW + 50 SU + 15 barbell snatches (65/45)
5 Partial WW + 50 SU + 12 barbell snatches (95/65)
–If done by 6:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 Pushups + 50 SU + 9 barbell snatches (115/75)
–If done by 9:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 Pushups + 50 SU + 6 barbell snatches (135/85)

5 Walkouts from wall + 30 JJ + 15 DB Goblet Squats (35/20)
5 Walkouts from wall + 30 JJ + 12 DB Snatches (35/20)
–If done by 6:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 2xDB PP (35/20) + 30 JJ + 9 2xDB HC&J (35/20)
–If done by 6:00, add 3:00 to timecap and perform–
20 2xDB PP (35/20) + 30 JJ + 6 2xDB HC&J (35/20)

B. OTM [16]
M1: 12/10 cal row
M2: 10/8 cal ski
M3: 12/10 cal bike

03 02 23

A. OTM [35] @ RPE 5-6
1. Skierg 9/7 Cals
2. Reverse sled drag or sled push 1 gym length
3. BikeErg 10/8 Cals
4. 8-12 light 1A-DB snatches (35/25)
5. REST or HS practice

B. [15] Mobility (coach’s choice)